Monday, November 1, 2010

GIving Challenge

30-Day Giving Challenge
I am participating in this this month. I encourage you to participate in whichever measure you can.

Today is day 1 - finally getting rid of 3 boxes of donations for the American Cancer Society thrift store. ACS is one of my favorite charities. I worked for them in Lynchburg when I was a student at Liberty University. I also have friends and family that have dealt with cancer, so their research is important to me.

This will be a de-cluttering, and sharing month for us. We'll be giving away clothes that are too small for our kids, toys that can be a blessing to another child(ren), clothes that Chad and I simply do not need and other items. We have been so blessed, this is a small way that we can be a blessing to others.

In Him,
Marie A.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for joining in, Marie! I hope you enjoy coming up with ideas as a family. We definitely have some toys that could be passed on to other little ones. And my closet is full of clothes I don't wear. I think a trip to the thrift store is in order! c-:
