Saturday, November 6, 2010

Day 3 and 4 - giving challenge

30-Day Giving Challenge

On day 3, I felt led to give a cashier one of the gifts I had recieved in a demonstration earlier in the day. It was this really cool kitchen gizmo. I had a chance to tell her about the challenge I was participating in, and she was pretty excited about the gizmo. She's looking forward to sharing it with her foster granddaughter.

On day 4, I gave Chad a chance to nap with the kids in the afternoon while I ran errands for us all (mailing packages, getting Craigslist items, enrolling the kids in swimming lessons). He was grateful for the nap. I really need one too. I also got 2 more big boxes of items to give to ACS. They were really thankful for the other items I brought.

Its a blessing to be a blessing. :-)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Day 2 - Giving Challenge

30-Day Giving Challenge

This is hard. I don't like keeping track of "doing good", but I hope this is an encouragement to you. I didn't have time to go to the thrift store with the boxes yesterday, so I will do that today. Instead, I'm letting you know what I really ended up doing on day one. I did remember to pray for God to tell me what to do - what to give.

I ended up giving in two ways,
- one with Chad's closet. I took the closet organizing stuff I bought from Bed Bath and Beyond (originally for myself) and re-org'd his closet. I've been working pretty hard at upgrading his wardrobe since we moved to Seattle. This will make it waaaaay easier for him to find his clothes in the morning, and keep his stuff organized.
- The other was more spirit-led I think. I was at Fred Meyer and an associate was helpful. I felt led to write out a nice comment card and drop it off at the customer service counter. I know how much those things mean to management.

GIving Challenge

30-Day Giving Challenge
I am participating in this this month. I encourage you to participate in whichever measure you can.

Today is day 1 - finally getting rid of 3 boxes of donations for the American Cancer Society thrift store. ACS is one of my favorite charities. I worked for them in Lynchburg when I was a student at Liberty University. I also have friends and family that have dealt with cancer, so their research is important to me.

This will be a de-cluttering, and sharing month for us. We'll be giving away clothes that are too small for our kids, toys that can be a blessing to another child(ren), clothes that Chad and I simply do not need and other items. We have been so blessed, this is a small way that we can be a blessing to others.

In Him,
Marie A.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Veggie tales download

Today, my favorite deal is from : Free VeggieTales download

The Incredible Singing Christmas Tree

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Zulily today

AWESOME deals at today. If you've not been on - PLEASE sign up using this link - so that I can get you as a referred friend.

Tot Spot Cafe membership in Woodinville

First, for those of you work at home parental units who have kiddos, and live within driving distance of Woodinville - you'll LOVE this deal at the Tot Spot Cafe. Go to the company website for the Cafe to see all they have to offer.

Today on you can get unlimited visits for your entire family for a month for $35!! Just the thought of that makes me giddy. Additional Perks include -

•Free WiFi

•Play groups by age

•Monitored play area

•Top quality toys

•Hosted activities

•Scheduled "guests" to entertain the kiddos

•Room Monitors pre-screened with years of experience

We know what you're thinking, and the answer is "Yes." They have hand sanitizer and wipes surrounding the whole play area, not to mention the fact that the owner sanitizes all the toys on a regular basis.

Once you create an account - go to "Today's Events" at the top of the page and scroll to the bottom of the list of offers. Choose Seattle or Tot Spot Cafe to get the info on this deal.

If you need it, here's a direct link to the deal -

Another deal of note for those who aren't in the PacNW is the Outside baby Black and Gray cooler backpack for under $45 (normally $80). Every review I've found for this product has been very positive. I think it'd be great for road trips and picnics with the twinks.

Lastly - if you have an order that is over $50 (before tax and shipping) use coupon code GAF78565 for $5 off.

Let me know how you do!